Comprehensive Research: A methodological and

Comprehensive Research: A methodological and epistemological introduction to qualitative research by Herve Dumez

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  • Comprehensive Research: A methodological and epistemological introduction to qualitative research
  • Herve Dumez
  • Page: 204
  • Format: pdf, ePub, mobi, fb2
  • ISBN: 9788763003599
  • Publisher: Copenhagen Business School Press

Download Comprehensive Research: A methodological and epistemological introduction to qualitative research

English audio books download free Comprehensive Research: A methodological and epistemological introduction to qualitative research

You are a sociologist, a researcher in management, political science or anthropology, and you have chosen to meet people in a company, in an organization or in the social world to interview them and observe their day to day behavior. In short, you have chosen the comprehensive methodology that is usually called qualitative research. The questions you ask yourself are practical: How and where to start? How to do a review of the literature? How to develop good ideas? They are also technical: How do I describe what I see and work out a narrative of what's going on? Finally, they are epistemological (but it turns out these are just as practical): What kind of theory can I use and produce? In what sense can what I am doing be said to be science? Aimed at a broad range of researchers, beginners or advanced, historians, management scientists, sociologists, anthropologists or economists, all looking to develop a rigorous understanding of interactions and actors' behaviors, this book should help them to formulate the right methodological questions and to find ways of addressing them in original ways. Herve Dumez is Directeur de Recherche (CNRS et Ecole polytechnique) and director of the Interdisciplinary Institute for Innovation (i3), Paris, France. He is associate editor of the European Management Review and the author and co-author of about sixty papers in peer-reviewed journals, as well as of ten books. The French version of this book received the best research book of the year award from the Fondation Nationale pour l'Enseignement de la Gestion des Entreprises (FNEGE) in 2015.

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Introduction to Qualitative Research | MTQUAL
Posts about Introduction to Qualitative Research written by mike-thomas. It will speak to the methodology and theoretical perspective. we put on a particularontological and epistemological point of view and this is .. methodology, or acomprehensive research strategy (Denzin & Lincoln 2005; Merriam 1998; Yin 2003).
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A methodological and epistemological introduction to qualitativ research chosen the comprehensive methodology that is usually called qualitativeresearch.
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It discusses the methodology of critical arts-based qualitative inquiry (CAI). Qualitative social research has lately been witnessing the emergence of a .. CAI does not differentiate between epistemological and ontological fundamentals. .. by stressing the need for comprehensive participant observation.
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Any consideration of research methods should also give attention to: Decisions about which methods to use (e.g. epistemological positions) on the site look at their sections on quantitative methods and qualitative methods . the Research Methods Knowledge Base which is a comprehensive web-based 
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